This is a report of the cases that have money on deposit in the court registry as of the date the report is run. The report is updated the first week of the month.
Daily Warrants Issued for Felony and Misdemeanor Case Charges
Daily Warrants Issued for Felony and Misdemeanor Case Charges
Weekly Warrants Issued for Felony and Misdemeanor Case Charges
Weekly Warrants Issued for Felony and Misdemeanor Case Charges
Monthly Circuit Civil Cases that are disposed by Judge, Jury or Non Jury
Monthly all new cases filed in circuit civil court
New daily cases filed in circuit civil court entered on report date and sorted by case type
Civil and family cases only for new cases filed
Civil and family cases only for new cases filed
Civil and family cases only for new cases filed
Civil and family cases only for new cases filed
This is a report of all outstanding checks at the time the report is run. The report is updated by the 15th of the month.
Weekly Contract Debt Cases Filed: defendant information ONLY where entity is a company.
Weekly All Contract Debt Cases Filed
Weekly All Contract Debt Cases Filed with Address
Daily County Civil & Circuit Civil Cases excludes marriage License and Foreclosures.
Daily County Civil & Circuit Civil Cases excludes marriage License and Foreclosures.
Weekly County Civil & Circuit Civil Cases excludes marriage License and Foreclosures
Weekly County Civil & Circuit Civil Cases excludes marriage License and Foreclosures
Weekly County Civil & Circuit Civil Cases - excludes marriage License and Foreclosures
Weekly County Civil & Circuit Civil Cases - excludes marriage License and Foreclosures
All new cases filed county and circuit civil for the month with party and attorney addresses if available. Excludes all marriage license and foreclosure cases
All new cases filed county and circuit civil for the month with party and attorney addresses if available. Excludes all marriage license and foreclosure cases
Daily County Civil & Circuit Civil Cases excludes marriage License and Foreclosures.
Daily County Civil & Circuit Civil Cases excludes marriage License and Foreclosures.
This is the County and Felony Criminal Monthly Data Report
This is the County Criminal & Misdemeanor Monthly Data Report
This is the County Criminal & Misdemeanor Monthly Data Report
Felony Criminal & Misdemeanor Weekly Report ONLY for charges that have been disposed or dismissed as follows: Dismissed, Nolle Prosse, Not Guilty Jury or Non Jury Trial, Adjudication Withheld Jury or Non Jury Trial, Pre-Trial Diversion, No File, or Drug Court Program
Felony Criminal & Misdemeanor Weekly Report ONLY for charges that have been disposed or dismissed as follows: Dismissed, Nolle Prosse, Not Guilty Jury or Non Jury Trial, Adjudication Withheld Jury or Non Jury Trial, Pre-Trial Diversion, No File, or Drug Court Program
All Criminal Felony, Misdemeanor, and Traffic cases filed or disposed during the month
All Criminal Felony, Misdemeanor, and Traffic cases filed or disposed during the month
All Criminal Felony, Misdemeanor, and Criminal Traffic cases filed or disposed during the month
All Criminal Felony, Misdemeanor, and Criminal Traffic cases filed or disposed during the month
Monthly First Degree Murder Report ONLY current pending OPEN cases
Daily Disposed Charges For Criminal, Misdemeanor, Traffic Report
Daily Disposed Charges For Criminal, Misdemeanor, Traffic Report
All Traffic infractions, Criminal Felony, Misdemeanor, and Criminal Traffic cases filed or disposed daily
All Traffic infractions, Criminal Felony, Misdemeanor, and Criminal Traffic cases filed or disposed daily
This is a report of the monies being held by the Clerk & Comptroller in the Tax Deed Registry. The report is updated once a month by the 15th after the tax deeds sale.
Returns the assessed amount, balance and if assessed amount has been paid in full for cases that had activity.
Returns the assessed amount, balance and if assessed amount has been paid in full for cases that had activity.
Returns case information for cases that had activity.
Returns case information for cases that had activity.
Returns docket information for dockets that had activity.
Returns docket information for dockets that had activity.
Returns events information.
Returns events information.
Returns new and updated party information
Returns new and updated party information
Returns payments made the previous day.
Returns payments made the previous day.
Returns services from the pervious day.
Returns services from the pervious day.
Monthly Decedent Report - Contains information of decedent cases recorded in the specified month.
Monthly Decedent Report - Contains information of decedent and personal representative and attorney recorded in the specified month.
Monthly Decedent Report - Contains information of decedent and personal representative and attorney recorded in the specified month.
This is the Decedent Report produced Weekly.
Decedent weekly Report includes decedent, personal representative and attorney addresses where letter of administration is filed for formal or summary administration probate case types only
Weekly Divorce Cases - Contain information of divorce cases in the specified week.
Weekly Divorce Cases - Contain information of divorce cases in the specified week including Dissolution and Simplified Dissolution cases.
Monthly Divorce Cases - Contain information of divorce cases for the specified month.
Daily Divorce Cases - Contains information of divorce cases Dissolution and Simplified Dissolution cases where last activity date is TODAY and any weekend activity will be in the following Monday report
Domestic Violence Respondent Information
Domestic Violence Respondent Information
This is the weekly DUI & Traffic Crimes Report 210.
Eminent Domain Monthly Report - Contains information of Eminent Domain cases recorded since 01-01-2002 until the downloaded month.
This is the Weekly Evictions Report.
This is the Weekly Evictions Report.
Eviction Case Filings for Palm Beach County
Eviction Case Filings for Palm Beach County for the full month in custom CPA010R Format No Headers
Eviction Case Filings for Palm Beach County for the full month
Eviction Case Filings for Palm Beach County for the current week
Disposed weekly Eviction cases for Defendants of Zip codes 33460, 33461
This is the Weekly Family Report.
Monthly Felony Report - Contains information of felony cases recorded in the specified month.
Monthly Felony Report - All Felony cases extracted based on case file date in this reporting month
Monthly Felony Report - List ONLY felony charges disposed in the specified month with guilty verdict
Weekly Housing Report - Lis Pendens Real Property Foreclosure
Foreclosure Defaults and Summary Judgments
Report on Foreclosure Trials
Listing of foreclosure cases with sale dates in the next 180 days.
Listing of foreclosure cases with sale dates in the next 180 days with final judgment amount
This is the Monthly Foreclosure Registry Balance Report.
This is the weekly Foreclosure Auction Sales Report
This is the Foreclosures Report.
Listing of all the foreclosure cases filed in the previous month.
Foreclosure Count Report - Contains foreclosure counts by Month,year from January 2006 until previous month
This is the Guardianship Financial Report - CV35518
Guardianship List all related parties including Individuals Appointed based on effective date of appointment
All cases with indictments filed for the previous month
This is the Judgments Report. Data is for the month specified.
Party Case information for all new judgments entered in past week
Party Case information for all new judgments entered in past week
Monthly Circuit Civil Cases with Jury Verdict Filed - Excluding Collections, Evictions, Family and Foreclosure cases
Monthly LexisNexis Report - Contains information of criminal cases recorded in the specified month.
This is the Weekly Marriage Licenses Report.
Monthly Misdemeanor Report - Contains information of misdemeanor cases recorded in the specified month.
Notices to Appear daily report, such as for reckless driving, petite theft, possession of alcohol by minor, etc.
Daily County Criminal Cases with Notice to Appear and No Booking
Official Records recorded during the past week where the consideration amount exceeds one million dollars
This report lists performance guarantees, escrows, sureties and or deposits held by various county departments. The report is updated 8 business days after the close of the month.
This is a report of all outstanding checks at the time the report is run. The report is updated around the 15th of the month.
Biweekly PBC School Police Cases - Contain information of cases with PBC School Police as the agency.
Biweekly PBC School Police Cases - Contain information of cases with PBC School Police as the agency.
Biweekly PBC School Police Cases - Contain information of cases with PBC School Police as the agency.
Biweekly PBC School Police Cases - Contain information of cases with PBC School Police as the agency.
Monthly report showing all small claims court cases that were closed that month. Report should include which party was ruled for, date of judgment and both plaintiff and defendant information.
The state of Florida unclaimed property website is located at This site may help locate any unclaimed funds remitted to the state.
Tax Deed information is available on our website at under Public Records at Tax Deeds Search. Tax files can be searched by certificate number to obtain additional information.
Surplus funds that were sent to the Board of County Commissioners for sales that took place prior to the change in Florida Statute 197.582 in July of 2011.
Detail Criminal Traffic, Traffic Infractions, Circuit Felony, County Ordinance, Misdemeanors, Non Criminal Infraction and Municipal Ordinance information about defendants created on a daily basis for past 7 days.
Daily Basic Criminal Traffic, Traffic Infraction, Circuit Felony, County Ordinance, Misdemeanor, Non-Criminal Infraction and Municipal Ordinance Information.
Daily Traffic Infraction and Criminal Traffic cases where the Defendant is not represented by an Attorney and a plea is not filed. This report will show any D6 cases.
Daily Traffic Infraction and Criminal Traffic cases where the Defendant is not represented by an Attorney and a Not Guilty plea is filed. This report will not include any D6 cases or cases with warrants.
Daily Detail Traffic Infraction, Criminal Traffic, Circuit Felony, Misdemeanor, Non-Criminal Infraction and Municipal Ordinance cases.
Detail Criminal Traffic and Traffic infraction information about defendants created on a daily basis.
Monthly Traffic New Cases Filed or Existing Cases Disposed on a monthly basis
Detail Criminal Traffic and Traffic infraction information about defendants created on a daily basis.
Daily Traffic moving violations where defendant has elected traffic school
Daily Traffic moving violations where defendant has elected traffic school
Monthly all disposed charges where the disposition could affect driving privilege of defendant including all traffic, misdemeanor and criminal citations
Monthly Traffic New Cases Filed or Existing Cases Disposed on a monthly basis in PIPE DELIMITED FORMAT
Monthly all disposed charges where the disposition could affect driving privilege of defendant including all traffic, misdemeanor and criminal citations in PIPE DELIMITED FORMAT
Monthly traffic citations issued by Riveria Beach PD
Daily Criminal Traffic - D6 License Suspension List
Monthly traffic and criminal traffic citations by charge filed date or updated court dates
Daily Criminal Traffic and Traffic infraction defendants information - ALL charges with -or- without Dispositions
Weekly Criminal Traffic and Traffic infraction defendants information - ALL charges with -or- without Dispositions
Unclaimed Inheritance Monies are reflected on the Case Registry Deposits report under Court CP until remitted to the state.
Summary all UTC Issued Citations with Municipal Totals for Collected, City & County Fine Amount by Dispostion and Number of Citation Issued by Month
All cases with verdicts for the prior month.
All cases with verdicts for the prior month.
All cases with verdicts for the prior month.
All cases with verdicts for the prior month.
All cases with verdicts for the prior month.
All cases with verdicts for the prior month.
All cases with verdicts for the prior month.
Weekly criminal future court events for felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traffic data when event record is entered or last modified
Weekly Criminal Party information for felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traffic data when data entered or last modified
Weekly criminal case charge information for felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traffic data either when case is entered or last modified